Bovis Fine Art, Partner of the AFROA Study Days

25 June 2024
Journées d'études d' l'AFROA

Bovis Fine Art is honored to support the study days organized by AFROA (French Association of Art Registrars) on June 25 and 26, 2024, focusing on the theme “Unreserved Reserves.” This event, held at the auditorium of the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, brings together association members, art enthusiasts, and external professionals.

A Rich and Varied Program

The program of these study days revolves around two main themes: needs and realities on one hand, and challenges and issues on the other. Around forty speakers from institutions in the Île-de-France region, other French regions, and abroad will share their experiences and engage in debates. Approximately 300 people are participating in these study days. The sessions include individual presentations and panel discussions, fostering enriching and constructive exchanges.

Bovis Fine Art: Expertise and Innovation in the Service of Art

During this event, Bovis Fine Art highlights its expertise in art packing and transportation. In line with the theme of reserves, emphasis is placed on our storage and dynamic anoxia services.

Museum-Quality Storage Spaces

Bovis Fine Art offers museum-quality storage spaces in several of its 15 local agencies in France and the Emirates. These secure spaces provide optimal climatic conditions, with temperature and humidity control, meeting the standards of museum reserves. Our space planners design all types of storage spaces, with equipment such as painting racks, heavy-duty racks, plan cabinets, shelves, cantilevers for carpets and tapestries, and compactus systems.

Bovis Anoxia: An Innovative Solution for Pest Control

Additionally, Bovis Anoxia offers dynamic anoxia services, a curative method of pest control through oxygen deprivation. This technique involves replacing oxygen with nitrogen in a treatment enclosure, thus eliminating all insects present in artworks and objects while preserving their integrity and respecting the environment. For this service, we use 25-foot mobile containers capable of treating a volume of approximately 40 m³. Thanks to this mobility, we can perform pest control on your items either at your premises or at one of the 39 local Bovis Group agencies, 15 of which specialize in art.

Bovis Fine Art’s Commitment to Art and Heritage

By supporting AFROA in organizing these study days, Bovis Fine Art reaffirms its commitment to the preservation and promotion of artistic heritage. We are proud to contribute to this exchange of knowledge and practices and to share our expertise with the community of art handlers and professionals.

For more information about our services and commitments, visit our website or contact one of our agencies. Together, we continue to preserve and protect our artistic heritage.

More information about AFROA’s study days.